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SBS | Specializations Crypto Law
SBS LEGAL Stephan R. Schulenberg, LL.M. Eur.
Stephan R. Schulenberg, LL.M. Eur.

Rechtsanwalt & Spezialist für MLM- und Vertriebsrecht

T (+49) 040 / 7344 086-0

SBS LEGAL André Schenk, LL.M. Eur.
André Schenk, LL.M. Eur.

Rechtsanwalt & Fachanwalt für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz

T (+49) 040 / 7344 086-0

SBS LEGAL Dr. Miriam Prinzen, LL.M.
Dr. Miriam Prinzen, LL.M.

Rechtsanwältin für Arbeitsrecht & Wirtschaftsmediatorin

T (+49) 040 / 7344 086-0




Schafft Steuervorteile?

11.02.2025 sorgt für neuen Wind auf dem Kryptomarkt und verspricht mehr Sicherheit sowie Steuervorteile. Was ist dran? Mehr erfahren bei SBS LEGAL.

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Das FernUSG ist nicht auf Unternehmer anwendbar


Nach der neuesten Rechtsprechung findet das FernUSG nicht länger auf Unternehmer bzw. im B2B-Verkehr Anwendung. Wir geben Ihnen einen Überblick!

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Crypto Law

Crypto law for cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin), initial coin offerings (ICO), mining

In recent years, essentially triggered in consequence of the financial crisis in the year 2008, the new economic segment of FinTech has developed, which has a technical approach that is based on a new technology called blockchain. Starting from the blockchain technology, completely new economic approaches have been created such as cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Dash or Litecoin), Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), mining companies, exchanges as well as Bitcoin merchandising and trading companies. The legal framework for this new economic sector is formed by crypto law.

What is crypto law actually?

Crypto law is a cross section of a number of different legal fields such as IT law, financial regulations, financial investment regulations, contract law, data protection, anti-money laundering regulations (KYC procedure), competition law and consumer law, and tax law.

What kind of FinTechs does SBS Legal advise?

As a law firm for crypto law, our specialist attorneys and tax advisers have consulted IT projects, which are based on the blockchain technology, and mining companies, initial coin offerings (ICO), Bitcoin traders and marketers, exchanges, trading platforms accepting cryptocurrencies, as well as newly emerging cryptocurrencies for several years. The companies and communities offering these services are frequently internationally oriented actors, who regularly also have to deal with the very restrictive German as well as international regulations.

Which services does SBS Legal offer?

Our services in crypto law include the following, in particular:

  • Comprehensive consulting of initial coin offerings (ICO), exchanges, cryptocurrencies and other FinTech projects, among other, in the area of corporate law, IT law, contract law, data protection, tax law and anti-money laundering regulations (KYC procedure), competition law and consumer law;
  • Comprehensive consulting of IT companies in the implementation of FinTech programming;
  • Legal planning and development of regulated crypto financial products;
  • Advising in regulatory law and consulting of blockchain start-ups;
  • Consulting of court and administrative proceedings with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin);
  • Legal advice for financial services institutions and financial firms in the development of new financial products;
  • International legal advising for FinTech projects;
  • Tax consulting for cryptocurrency investors;
  • Consulting for crypto projects in the field of economic criminal law.

In consulting, our law firm offers, besides the advising activity when planning IT projects, specifically also legally solid expertise in dealing with supervisory authorities and litigation in court. For this forensic activity, our law firm has a network of specialized law firms in many countries, so as to ensure area-wide international support.

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