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André Schenk, LL.M. Eur. Lawyer & specialist attorney for industrial property rights
André Schenk, LL.M. Eur.

Lawyer & specialist attorney for industrial property rights

SBS Legal Rechtsanwälte PartG
Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Weg 49
22085 Hamburg

T (+49) 040 / 7344086-0
F (+49) 040 / 7344086-29

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BFH: Keine Einsicht in Steuerakten für verfahrensfremde Zwecke


Der BFH entschied, dass ein Recht auf Akteneinsicht in Steuerunterlagen, um einen möglichen Schadensersatzanspruch gegen Dritte zu prüfen, abzulehnen ist.

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Einzelne Spam-Mail begründet Unterlassungsanspruch


Das OLG Dresden entschied, dass man sich bereits bei einer einmalig verschickten Spam-Mail auf seinen Unterlassungsanspruch berufen kann.

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André Schenk, LL.M. Eur.

“Legal advising, structuring and securing of companies is one of the most thrilling and challenging tasks in my work as a lawyer.”

Expertise and activity

André Schenk, LL.M. Eur. as a founding partner of SBS Legal, has been managing the departments of corporate law, contract law and protection of industrial property for more than 13 years. His primary work comprises legal advising, structuring and securing of start-ups, companies that open the new distribution channels or distribution markets, and legal advice for distribution and marketing strategies. His clients include internationally operating companies with strong sales in the direct marketing industry, who want to enter into the German market (or who have chosen Germany as European headquarters for EU sales), as well as online retailers, internet service providers and other direct marketing companies. Attorney Schenk at the same time regularly advises his clients on a broad range of questions relating to corporate law. Some of the highlights in his work are providing legal advice on the choice of the right legal form ,including the founding of the company, securing internet appearances of advised companies in terms of competition law, the drafting of project-specific contracts and GTC to secure the company’s success, the development and registration of trademarks, the review of distribution and marketing concepts in terms of sales and competition law, and legal assistance in the implementation of the requirements of the new data protection regulations.

Moreover, attorney Schenk has proven expertise in legal consulting and development of FinTech projects. Accordingly, attorney Schenk has successfully helped a series of mining enterprises, cryptocurrency projects, ICOs and exchanges, as well as other IT projects specific to FinTechs with his legal advice to master the challenges of the jungle of laws not in line with the FinTech industry.


Attorney Schenk completed his studies of law at the University of Bremen and the University of Sheffield (Great Britain). Following the successful completion of the 1st state examination, attorney Schenk completed the Master's Program in European and International Law with specialization in internet law, with the grade “good” and award of the title “LL.M. Eur.” at the University of Bremen. The two-year legal internship not only brought him back to Bremen but also led him to Brussels, where he completed a training stage at the European Commission and had the chance to contribute to the reform of competition law due to his expertise. Following the completion of the 2nd state examination with the grade “with honors”, he worked in Bremen. In the fields of industrial property and internet law, he consulted companies there that are operating in the new economy industry.

Following this first position as a lawyer, attorney Schenk together with the other founding partner, attorney Schulenberg, founded the law firm SBS Legal in the year 2005 and has since then developed the law firm into a highly specialized boutique law firm known Germany-wide in the area of direct marketing. He has moreover lectured at the Management Institute Herrenhausen in sales and corporate law in the years from 2006 to 2008.

In 2008, attorney Schenk completed the specialist attorney course in “Industrial Property Rights” and received the title “Specialist Attorney for Industrial Property Rights”.

Academic studies

  • Universität Bremen
  • University of Sheffield (Großbritannien)

Legal internship

  • Universität Bremen

Legal practice

  • Work at a law firm specialized on medium-sized businesses in the fields of industrial property rights and internet law.

Lecturer (up to 2008)

  • Lecturer for sales and corporate law at the Management Institute Herrenhausen in Hanover

Training as specialist attorney

  • Successful participation in the specialist attorney course in industrial property rights and conferral of the title “Specialist Attorney for Industrial Property Rights”.


  • Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg
  • Hamburgischer Anwaltverein e.V.
  • DSA (Direct Selling Association in den USA (Supplier)

Auswahl von Selection of publications

  • May 2018 – Warum außereuropäische Network Marketing Unternehmen einen Datenschutzvertreter brauchen [Why Non-European Network Marketing Companies Need a Data Protection Representative] –
  • June 2016 – Verrat von Geschäftsgeheimnissen an Vertriebspartner [Disclosure of Business Secrets to Distribution Partners] – Network Karriere
  • December 2014 – Lebensmittel-Informationsverordnung (LMIV) tritt ab 13.12.214 in Kraft [Food Information Directive Taking Force on 12/13/2014] – Netcoo International Business & Lifestyle Magazin
  • June 2014 – Aufgepasst: Änderung des Widerrufsrechts [Notice: Change of the Right of Revocation] – Netcoo International Business & Lifestyle Magazin
  • April 2014 – Neue Verbraucherrechte und ihre Auswirkungen im Network Marketing – Netcoo International Business & Lifestyle Magazin
  • Oktober 2013 – Das neue Gesetz gegen unseriöse Geschäftspraktiken – welche Auswirkungen hat dies auf die Network Marketing Branche? – Netcoo International Business & Lifestyle Magazin
  • August 2013 – Verrat von Geschäftsgeheimnissen im Network Marketing – Netcoo International Business & Lifestyle Magazin

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