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Andreas Sabadello Attorney
Andreas Sabadello


Sabadello Legal
Esteplatz 4 – Top 9
1030 Wien, Austria

Sabadello Legal
c/o Nomad Works
Karlbergsvägen 44
113 62 Stockholm / Sweden

T (+49) 040 / 7344086-0
F (+49) 040 / 7344086-29

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AWV - Meldepflicht bei Auslandszahlungen über 50.000 €


Ab Januar 2025 sind neue Regelungen in der AWV eingeführt worden. Die Meldepflicht besteht nun erst bei Zahlungen über 50.000 €.

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OS-Plattform Abschaltung – weniger Streit um Streitplattform


Die Streitplattform führt nicht zu weniger, sondern zu mehr Streit. Jetzt kommt die Abschaltung.

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Expertise and activities

Andreas Sabadello is an attorney (Vienna) and registered EU advocate (Stockholm). He advises and represents companies and corporations of public law in matters relating to public law and civil law. At the junction between regulatory requirements and their implementation under civil law, his clients, over more than a decade, have included companies of the real estate sector, food industry, life sciences enterprises and direct marketing companies. Attorney Sabadello advises companies in Austria in the founding process as well as in the enforcement of and defense against claims. His extensive experience covers, among others, advising product recalls and the enforcement of and defense against damage compensation claims in legally and technically complex sets of facts. In the course of his career so far, Andreas Sabadello has represented many clients in hundreds of administrative offense proceedings. He advises real estate funds and project developers comprehensively in all questions relating to real estate law. Attorney Sabadello is a regular presenter and author on topics of public construction law and food law.


After his studies of law at University of Vienna, Andreas Sabadello completed his court internship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna. Practical training led him from a boutique law firm specialized in public law and criminal law to one of the world’s largest law firms. He passed his bar exam with excellent results. After multiple years of work experience in the field of public law and dispute resolution, he became self-employed by opening his law office in Vienna eight years ago together with other lawyers. He opened an additional branch office in Stockholm in 2018.

Academic studies

  • University of Vienna

Practical training

  • Court internship in the district of the Vienna Higher Regional
  • Associate in a law firm specialized in public law and criminal law, as well as the dispute resolution and public law department of a leading international law firm.

Legal practice

  • Since 2011, self-employed lawyer in Vienna in a partnership of lawyers.
  • Since 2018, registered EU attorney in Stockholm.

Other activities

  • Speaker on topics of public law with a focus on the real estate and food industries


  • Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien [Vienna Bar Association]
  • Sveriges Advokatsamfund (reg. EU advocate)

Selection of publications

  • Since 2012, co-editor of Kropiunik/Sabadello, Praxishandbuch Bau & Recht [Practice Compendium of Construction & Law], loose leaf collection/continued part work.
  • Since 2011: Co-author of “Handbuch Compliance” [Compliance Compendium], 1st to 3rd ed.
  • Since 2010: Co-author of “Das aktuelle Lebensmittelrecht” [The Current Food Law] loose leaf collection/continued part work. (+49) 040 / 7344 086-0